Meet Dopey
@thelifessence is my journey with Dopey as my guide in life and in spirit.
I have become a Bach Flower therapist for humans and animals. He then led me to Animal and Nature Communications. And now he wants me to share these experiences with all animal lovers.
Read on, and enjoy. I will share my journey as it unfolds.

Meet Dopey
Lifessence is my journey with Dopey as my guide in life and in spirit.
Over time he led me to alternate healing modalities. I have become a Bach Flower remedies therapist for humans and animals.
He then led me to Animal Communications. With this I am able to speak to animals and nature telepathically. In my more recent communications with him, he wants me to share these experiences with all animal lovers.
Read on, and enjoy. I will share my journey as it unfolds.
Lifessence Foundation
Lifessence Foundation is the next step in the journey, again defined by my animal companions, Chhoti and Dopey to help those in need. All consultations for animal communication and Bach Flower Remedies goes directly to the foundation, from where with your help and our donors, we are able to help those who need our support.

Animal Seva
Animals are why we set up the foundation. We support Feeders with Bach Flower Remedies to treat our Indies. We also feed animals daily in Gurgaon

Our children need our support. They want to learn and be more. We support talented children meet their education goals

Our Skilling Practice focuses on how we can help teens from bastis acquire skills that help them make an honest living
Latest Blog Posts
Based on Dopey's suggestion, I am starting to share my experiences with Bach Flower Remedies and Animal and Nature Communication. I hope you enjoy reading these short posts and get a sense of how energy flows and connects all of us.